Bob Jonkman wrote:

Hi all: Today I had the urge to mark up an arbitrary date, not one that is part of
an hCalendar event, eg.

  Use version 7.0.2 from <abbr title="2007-03-05">5 March 2007</span>

This is to provide some standarization in presenting dates, but keep them human-
readable in arbitrary format.

dtstart and dtend aren't appropriate semantic classes in this example. Is there a
proper microformat for arbitrary dates?

In this case, I think what you are looking for is the 'datetime' attribute on INS and DEL elements.

    <ins datetime="2007-03-05">5 March 2007</ins>

This has nothing to do with microformats; it's just semantic HTML. It specifies the time of the insertion or deletion, so I think it's quite appropriate for specifying when a version was released.

From the HTML 4 DTD attribute list for INS or DEL.

cite %URI; #IMPLIED -- info on reason for change --
    datetime    %Datetime;     #IMPLIED  -- date and time of change --

Given that, you might also want to specify the URI for version changes.

<ins cite="/whatsnew/7.0.2/" datetime="2007-03-05">Use version 7.0.2 from 5 March 2007.</ins>

Opinionated rant: ins[datetime] has the added benefit of not sounding like absolute dreck in the more popular screen readers, which is more than one can claim for the Datetime Design Pattern.


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