One problem here is that many people may be unwilling to publish  their
email addresses on a web page, because of the certainty that the address
will be picked up by spammers. This may limit the number of cases  where
this would be useful.

I can't see that as a problem to not go ahead. I receive over 300 spam a day and am doing okay. Most people probably don't have the technology required to deal with that level of spam, but many do - they can place their hcards on their website in any form, and everyone will benefit from that - both the website owners, and the people who communicate with them.

And the fact that employing anti-spam technology allows you to place your hcard in the open, will entice more people to employ anti-spam measures.

I think it might be good to have an optional way to publish a link to a contact form to send a message instead of an email address.. (seperately to their website url and somehow saying that it's a contact form)
A lot of people would be far less reluctant to publish those.

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