On May 23, 2007, at 10:22 PM, Ben Wiley Sittler wrote:

excerpted from http://microformats.org/wiki/hAtom#Entry_Content :
an Entry MAY have 0 or more Entry Content elements. The "logical Entry Content" of an Entry is the concatenation, in order of appearance, of all the Entry Contents within the Entry

Many weblogs split content into multiple sections with a "Read More" link and javascript tricks. This is also needed in cases where Entry Titles are coded inline and are considered part of the content.

so if an hAtom entry contains

<p class="entry-content">Content</p>
<!-- ad --><p><a href="http://mozilla.com";><img src="chrome:// branding/content/about.png" alt="Get Firefox!" /></a></p>
<p class="entry-content">More Content</p>

is the logical entry content
1. "ContentMore Content" (concatenation with no intervening space),
2. "Content More Content" (concatenation with space),
3. "Content
More Content" (concatenation with newline), or
4. something else entirely?

Another option is that entry content is:

<p class="entry-content">Content</p>
<p class="entry-content">More Content</p>

Is there a reason why hAtom as currently spec'ed only does text, not markup?

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