On 8/29/07, Brian Suda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2. Thinking of places to link to to add rel-tag links is problematic -
> > at the moment I suspect people will err on the side of not using
> > rel-tag
> -- this has also been noted when some resume services let you add more
> free-text than simple 1-2 word terms. Can you document your
> experiences here:
> http://microformats.org/wiki/hresume-issues
> http://microformats.org/wiki/hresume-brainstorming

I will do - in some ways it's more to do with the fact I *have* to
link to an external site just to indicate what 'PHP' is, which seems
like a heavy load to place on the user.

> > 3. A very common element in CVs is a list of skills and years
> > experience with that skill.
> --- if this is common can you please add examples to the wiki? Maybe
> it was missed or omitted for some reason:

I can only really put my own CV on there, my only evidence is
anecdotal based on looking at a lot of (UK) developer's CVs lately.

> You could experiment with tagging and adding skills to an experience
> event. vevents can take "categoies" which can be rel-tags. So if i had
> a skill in 2001, then you could deduce date()-2001= years with skill.

That's a very good idea, thanks

> > 4. I've seen this discussed before without resolution - there doesn't
> > seem to be a way of marking up 'the present' as a finish date for an
> > experience vevent.
> as Ted said "Just leave out the dtend and you should be all set."
> i didnĀ“t see this on the FAQ page, so please add this with an answer.
> http://microformats.org/wiki/hresume-faq

I think your message has crossed with my reply to Ted  - this isn't on
the faq page because it's an existing issue on the hresume-issues

I've no objection to leaving off dtend as a solution but I think it
would need to be added to the hResume spec as a departure from iCal.

-Ciaran McNulty

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