On Sep 17, 2007, at 3:54 PM, Ben Ward wrote:

I don't know the answer to this particular problem, but:

On 17 Sep 2007, at 22:23, Scott Reynen wrote:
<abbr class="type" title="PGP">public key</abbr>

‘PGP’ is not an abbreviation of ‘public key’.

<abbr> works the other way; the above suggests that "public key" is an abbreviation "PGP." Whether or not that's true depends both on what we mean by "abbreviation" and on what the publisher means by "public key." On the former definition, I'm personally in the "abbreviated information" camp, as opposed to the "abbreviated text length" camp. On the latter, I was just speculating that "public key" implies "PGP" (a more information-dense, textually shorter term) among people more familiar with cryptography than myself. I may be mistaken on either or both counts. I may also be mistaken in my assumption that the key ID is an abbreviation for the key itself. Abbreviations are complicated.


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