On Oct 9, 2007, at 9:58 AM, Patrick Aljord wrote:

Hey all,

I need to do a presentation on the semantic Web and all the articles I
read about it talks about RDF and usually show this schema:


Could anyone please tell me what's the relation between the semantic
web and microformats, where would the microformats stands on that
schema for example?
Can microformats and the SW be related and in what way?

I think of microformats as an alternative path to the same ends. You can replace "RDF Model & Syntax" with "XHTML Model & Syntax", "XML Query" with "HTML parsers", and "XML Schema" with "HTML Profile URIs". You could, by the way, also replace those with equivalent Atom components, and other languages as well. Each language brings different expression capabilities, but semantics in general work pretty much the same in any language, as GRDDL demonstrates.


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