In the interests of tidy administration, I'm splitting this thread. The originally raised and the proposal for including remote content within microformats are very different issues and it's important that the original thread stay on track.


On 10 Oct 2007, at 02:59, Michael MD wrote:
PS It's then just a small step to allow off-page includes, which is
related to the interlinked hCards on different sites that I was
talking about recently on this list.  If anyone can come up with more
real-world use-cases for this type of cross-site uF linkage, I'd be
most grateful.  Looking further ahead (wrong list for that, I know)
I'd see good mashup opportunities from allowing more uF
interlinkage...    =0)

interesting ... but the extra complexity that would add to parsers (requiring them to do the extra requests) would be a problem.. also what about pages being looked at offline?
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