BlogTalk 2008
The 5th International Conference on Social Software
Cork, Ireland - 3-4 March 2008

= Overview =

Following the international success of previous BlogTalk events in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006, the next BlogTalk - to be held in Cork, Ireland on 3-4 March 2008 - is continuing with its focus on social software, while remaining committed to the diverse cultures, practices and tools of our emerging networked society. The conference is designed to maintain a sustainable dialog between developers, innovative academics and scholars who study social software, practitioners and administrators in corporate and educational settings, and other general members of the social software community.

We invite you to submit a proposal for presentation at the BlogTalk 2008 conference. Possible areas include, but are not limited to:

   * Forms and consequences of emerging social software practices
   * Social software in enterprise and educational environments
   * The political impact of social software
   * Applications, prototypes, concepts and standards

= Participants and proposal categories =

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the conference, audiences will come from different fields of practice and will have different professional backgrounds. We strongly encourage proposals to bridge these cultural differences and to be understandable for all groups alike. Along those lines, we will offer three different submission categories:

   * Academic
   * Developer
   * Practitioner

For academics, BlogTalk is an ideal conference for presenting and exchanging research work from current and future social software projects at an international level. For developers, the conference is a great opportunity to fly ideas, visions and prototypes in front of a distinguished audience of peers, to discuss, to link-up and to learn (developers may choose to give a practical demonstration rather than a formal presentation if they so wish). For practitioners, this is a venue to discuss use cases for social software and to report on any results you may have with like-minded individuals.

= Submitting your proposals =

Please upload your submission along with some personal information at the site. You will receive a confirmation of the arrival of your submission within three working days. The submission deadline is November 16th, 2007. The length of the proposal should be between two and four pages. BlogTalk is a peer-reviewed conference.

= Timeline and important dates =

Proposal submission deadline: November 16th, 2007

Notification of acceptance or rejection: December 7th, 2007

Paper version due: January 7th, 2008

Presentations and abstracts on website due: February 7th, 2008

(We will work hard to endow a fund for supporting travel costs. As soon as we review all of the papers we will be able to announce more details.)

= Chairs =

   * John Breslin
   * Thomas N. Burg
   * Tom Raftery
   * Jan Schmidt

= Programme Committee =

   * Stowe Boyd
   * Dan Brickley
   * Jyri Engeström
   * Jen Golbeck
   * Eugene Eric Kim
   * Kevin Marks
   * Peter Mika
   * José Luis Orihuela
   * Jeremy Ruston
   * Paolo Valdemarin
   * David Weinberger

Please visit our website at for more information.

Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
microformats-discuss mailing list

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