On 26 Nov 2007, at 13:07, Tatsuya Noyori wrote:
Is this correct?

<a style="visibility:hidden" rel="microschema"
href="http://microformats.org/2007/hcard.rng";>hcard microschema</a>

That would be valid, but of course you now have unwelcome content added to the page.

I urge you to step back, take in the responses already made elsewhere in the thread (particularly regarding HTML profiles). You need to have a problem to solve before you focus on some sort of solution. You've still not described a problem that this would solve. If there's a problem with the way microformats are currently implemented then we absolutely need to know about it, but so far the namespaceless, schemaless system we're using seems to be working out fine. But if that's not the case, please highlight the problem.

Additionally, and I mean this more generally, everyone proposing anything into syntax must remember that microformats operate in HTML, not just XHTML. Any solution dependent on XML, such as self-closing elements which are not self-closing in HTML4, is not appropriate for microformats.

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