Hello Microformaters,

* A user-agent could at the least identify one or more alternate
formats for the current item or a linked item.

* It could also identify the order of preference of alternates.

* This could be used by microformat-aware search to provide search
result links to alternates.

* This could also be used to support mirror lists (instead of
alternate formats, simply alternate locations), this could then be
used by a user agent to download/retrieve by picking from the top of
the preferred list or among a list of non-preferred (unordered)

* It may be possible for a user-agent to be aware of a format
preference in the case of alternate formats or application support,
such as preference for certain kinds of media readers, e.g., iTunes
itpc:// links vs. mp4 downloads.

Let me know if this answers the question. Not quite sure the
format/content being looked for in terms of user-agent use.


Jeff McNeill

On 12/13/07, Andy Mabbett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, December 13, 2007 09:27, Jeff McNeill wrote:
> > Use cases for alternates could be as follows:
> [...]
> Thank you. That explains what "alternates" are; but not how the proposed
> microformat would be /used/. In other words, what would a user agent *do*
> with them?
> --
> Andy Mabbett
> ** via webmail **
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