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On Sun, 2007-12-16 at 21:16 +0000, Martin McEvoy wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-12-16 at 15:09 -0500, Manu Sporny wrote:
> > I'll volunteer to check out Orca and JAWS and report the findings to
> > the
> > list, and document them in the wiki. 
> Thank you manu :)
> can you please test:
> <var class="duration" title="PT2M23S">2:23</var>
> I think it would be valuable to know if the @title is read out loud on
> uncommon tags like <var> and <dfn> or if all @titles are read out loud.
> My thought is (after many months of wrestling with this beast) that
> instead of trying to hide and change what we are doing (after all its
> necessary) it may be worthwhile trying to find a more semantic
> equivalent of how we use the <abbr> tag.
> VAR:
>         Indicates an instance of a variable or program argument.
> We are presented with an instance of a variable, when we do this:
> <abbr class="duration" title="PT2M23S">2:23</abbr>
> duration is described in two ways machine data, and human data, this
> presents the instance and an argument with two different outcomes, if
> you are a machine do this PT2M23S, if you are a person do this 2:23.
> *Var* seems wholly suited to what we are trying to achieve.
> ?
> Thanks.
> Martin

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