Le 15 juil. 2008 à 11:16, Scott Reynen a écrit :
Do you have any examples of the non-Gregorian dates being published online? Or any examples of applications that can take non-Gregorian dates as input?

For those who need to understand.

The era system is very common on paper form, and on labels in supermarket at least (for those I have noticed in my daily life in Japan). In fact it is a mix, it is not regular. Some forms have even the possibility to deal with the two systems.

It is mostly used by officials organizations like governments.

For example this article in one of the main national newspapers: Yomiuri

「平成20年度(第1回)超長期住宅先導的モデル事業 の採択事業」

平成20年 - this is the year 20 of Heisei Era.
The sentence says the project started at this date. You will notice that the article has also dates in gregorian calendar, so it mixes both.

Karl Dubost - W3C
Be Strict To Be Cool

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