This is from Microsoft?! Next you'll say that you're implementing
OpenID. Oh... yeah. ;)

Congrats, this is great.

I'm a little confused about how to make use of this stuff on my Mac,
but for PC folks who use Internet Explorer, this must be pretty


On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:46 AM, Karsten Januszewski
> Greetings - I'm excited to announce the release of Oomph: A Microformat 
> Toolkit, which just went live at  The Mix 
> Online team here at Microsoft wanted to do something with Microformats and 
> Oomph is the result.
> Our main goal with Oomph is to make Microformats more accessible for users, 
> developers and designers. Oomph is an amalgamation of applications: an 
> Internet Explorer Add-in built in C++; a cross-browser HTML overlay built 
> using JQuery that aggregates Microformats (hCard and hCalendar); a set of CSS 
> styles for Microformats; and a Windows Live Writer plug-in written for 
> inserting hCards. And, the entire project is up on Codeplex 
> (, ready for community contribution and 
> extensibility.
> We have a video that demos the various components of Oomph, although it 
> hasn't been posted to the Mix Online site yet.  But you can check it out on 
> YouTube here:
> I wanted to thank the various people who have responded to my questions on 
> this alias. Now that we shipped, I look forward to continuing to work with 
> folks moving forward and welcome your feedback.  With all the code up on 
> Codeplex, we have the opportunity to keep iterating on the code and we are 
> seeking contributors to the project moving forward.
> I also wanted to mention that, if any of you are at the Microsoft 
> Professional Developers conference next week in LA, I'll be giving a talk on 
> Oomph and Microformats, Wednesday October 29th.  I'd love to meet up with 
> folks while I'm there.  And I'm hoping to make it to a Microformat meetup 
> dinners one of these weeks in San Francisco.
> Regards,
> Karsten Januszewski
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