On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Burcu Dogan <bu...@keyprints.org> wrote:
> Then, why dont adr have an optional geo field? OK, it is possible to geocode 
> an
> an existing address but wouldnt it provide a better interaction in the machine
> world to embed the location info as coordinates as well. Since many of
> the geocoders
> stand on statistical methods, this may even be beneficial to take this
> technology one step further.

--- Part of this comes from the vCard spec. In ADR in vCard, it is a
semicolon separated list of things like "street name", "Region",
"Locality", etc. Geo is NOT one of those separated values. GEO is a
separate value-key pair. So to stay consistent, GEO is not an optional
child of ADR, but its own entity.

There have also been some examples of GEO points that are NOT
addresses. Such as waypoints on a hiking trail, or the Apollo
splash-down site in the middle of the ocean. Neither of these are
really children of an ADR. So GEO was keep separate, but it just
happens to be closely related to ADR although it can refer to more
than just addresses.

I hope that answers your question.


brian suda
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