On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:05 PM, Elli Albek <e...@sustainlane.com> wrote:
> Hi Tantek.
> Link to a page with reviews:
> http://www.sustainlane.com/reviews/aziza/TVLWN4ZKQLKTOIKFLWKBWFQ17DN8
> You can also look at Yelp. Similar page content.

Thanks for the real world URL example - that helps a lot.

I've collected the example you gave and another similar example from
Yelp on the container-brainstorming page:


I encourage you to add any other similar examples that you think may
help illustrate the problem and provide variants to test with any
possible/proposed solution.

> Two things we want:
> 1.      Remove repetition
> 2.      Add review aggregates without more repetition

Agreed on both counts.

> Generally I would like to stop using microformat_detail, and not restructure 
> the HTML.
> The microformats spec can makes it easier to support variety of page 
> structures
> without includes/hidden blocks by having other association rules.

In general one of the goals of microformats is to have minimal if any
markup impact upon the HTML of otherwise well-formed (hopefully valid)
pages, by only adding a few class names and perhaps rel values.
Sometimes additional elements are necessary for wrapping discrete
pieces of content. We very much try to avoid duplicating content - one
of the big advantages of microformats over alternatives such as using
XML or other side-files to duplicate the content, or inline HTML
comments to duplicate the content.

> A few suggestions that will make implementation simpler for different HTML 
> trees:

I think there are definitely some good options worth exploring in your
suggestions, and I encourage you to add your markup suggestions to the
wiki (with perhaps one new subsection per each alternative you
suggested) so that they are not lost in the email archives, and so
that others may review and build upon them:


> Another suggestion: Collapse trees. If microformats are already flexible
> in what they allow as parent child, you might as well consider a rule
> that allows you to collapse an entire tree of microformats:
> <a class="item hcard fn url" href="...">name</a>

The collapsing of properties with a root node actually presents more
problems, especially in the context of microformats that contain other
microformats (e.g. an hCard location in an hCalendar event).


That being said, your general suggestion of "collapse trees" is one
that I very much agree with, and am looking at doing so in some cases
in hCard to help resolve some of the issues raised (e.g. the fact that
"n" is a grouping property for the sub-properties of "given-name",
"family-name" etc.). More in http://tr.im/hcardri




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