On 24 Jun 2009, at 23:02, Dan Brickley wrote:

So, in this case the vevent in that page —
http://www.answers.com/topic/kevin-bacon — is invalid — certainly
incomplete. That structure doesn't contain any dates at all.

Does a validator exist that can detect this? If not, could one be built?

Yes. Optimus flags the error:

<http://microformatique.com/optimus/?format=validate&uri=http://www.answers.com/topic/kevin-bacon >

I'll start up a brainstorming page for that though; we talked about it
with the other SearchMonkey guys at the µf dinner a few weeks ago.

great :)

I've started a new brainstorming page at http://microformats.org/wiki/representative-object-brainstorming to collect any and all thoughts on how you might prioritise one object over another in a page. Everyone is encouraged to add their thoughts and any techniques they have.

I've referenced the representative-hcard page there.



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