Apologies for the top post.

1. TR Ops contacted, no ETA. I've contacted the folks in Technorati Ops who 
maintain the X2V services and they are aware of the problem and it's on their 
list of post-relaunch things to fix. No ETA.

2. H2VX. I've been thinking for a while that we need more than one production 
open conversion service and thus just picked up h2vx.com (not setup yet) to 
host another deploy of Brian Suda's excellent open source X2V XSLT files for 
generating vcf and ics (at least for now, I can add rss and atom converters for 
hAtom later, perhaps when the spec has been updated with required value class 
pattern date time support per: 
http://microformats.org/wiki/value-class-pattern#hAtom_updated_implied_date )

3. X2V setup docs. I'm taking notes on this set up of X2V onto a new server, 
and in the interest of helping/encouraging others to host their own, either for 
their own content or as open web service, am documenting my notes here:


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Ward <li...@ben-ward.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 16:24:30 
To: Microformats Discuss<microformats-discuss@microformats.org>
Subject: [uf-discuss] Concerning the Technorati pipes

I've been fielding this question quite a lot over the past few days,  
since the recent Technorati.com redesign appears to have killed the  
landing pages for their contacts and events microformat pipes. I've  
heard from a number of people that they rely on the service and are  
concerned about it.

I don't know what Technorati's plan is for the service, whether they  
are going to remove it, stop supporting it or whether the missing  
landing pages are just a configuration error.

What is known is this:

1. The actual pipes themselves are still live and operational:

   * http://feeds.technorati.com/contacts/http://microformats.org
   * http://feeds.technorati.com/events/http://microformats.org/wiki/events

Those URLs return 404s if you don't include the target URL.

2. For those concerned or with a reliance on Technorati's service:

The Technorati pipes run Brian Suda's awesome, free and open source  
X2V transformer. As well as it running hosted on his personal site 
, not recommended for production use—it's a little unfair to use  
Brian's personal site as a service) but you can also SELF-HOST the  
code as part of your own set-up, without any changes to your  

There are also other transformers (Optimus, for example).

So, I hope that provides a little info for people who might be  
concerned. If anyone from Technorati or who has a contact at  
Technorati could get actual clarity on the fate of the service that  
would be great, but the most important thing is that the code is open,  
and I hope the information in this email helps people out in  
maintaining their applications.


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