On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 9:22 PM, Rodrigo Soares <oncem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was wondering if it's valid to use percentage and/or letters values
> for rating instead of 1-5.

> <p>Rating: <abbr class="rating" title="83">83%</abbr></p>

--- There is a way to label best and worst, so you could say <span
class="rating">83</span>% out of <span class="best">100</span>%.

> <p>Average Rating: <abbr class="rating" title="B+">B+</abbr></p>

--- That gets around 1-5, but there isn't really away to make a
sliding scale for letter values. A,B,C,D, but where does B+ go? and is
there an A- or an F+? the scale isn't smooth like it is with numeric

I hope that helps,

brian suda
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