From: microformats-discuss-boun...@microformats.org 
[microformats-discuss-boun...@microformats.org] On Behalf Of Tantek Çelik 
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2010 3:01 AM
To: Microformats Discuss
Subject: Re: [uf-discuss] [ANN] any23 v0.2 released

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 1:59 AM, Davide Palmisano <palmis...@fbk.eu> wrote:
> Dear all,
> we are proud to announce a new release of any23 -- Anything to Triples.
>          http://developers.any23.org/

Davide, congratulations on your release!

Many thanks Tantek!

> Any23 is a Java library that parses RDF from a variety of Web document
> formats. The currently supported input formats are RDFa, RDF/XML,
> Turtle, N3, N-Triples, and a number of Microformats.
> Any23 is an Open Source project originated from the code created
> within the Sindice project and now used both inside sindice and in
> related projects e.g. Sig.Ma
> Any23 comes with a handy command-line tool for parsing RDF and
> converting between formats.
> We have also set up a demo service where you can try any23 online and
> use a REST API to convert between different RDF formats, similar in
> spirit to triplr.org:
>          http://any23.org/
> The major new features in this release are:
> * Redesigned Java API
>   - Input from string, stream, file, or URI
>   - Allow choosing which extractors to use
>   - Report origin of triples (document/extractor) to client processors
>   - Various processors/serializers for extracted triples
> * Added flexible command-line tool for easy testing
> * Vastly improved website and documentation
> * Media type and encoding detection via Apache Tika
> * Switched RDF library from Jena to Sesame
> * Added Maven build
> * Better RDF extraction from Microformats

This is great to hear.

Tom Morris has already kindly added any23 to the parsers page:


Wow this is great!

Could you list the specific microformats that are parsed by any23?

Of course: Adr, Geo, hCalendar, hCard, hListing, hResume, hReview, License and 

As listed also here, http://developers.any23.org

And even better, feel free to add any23 to the *-implementations pages
of the microformats that it supports, e.g. if it supports hCard, add
it to:


Sure, Will do!

> The following people have contributed to this release: Michele
> Mostarda and Davide Pamisano (FBK, Trento, Italy, Web of Data Unit
> (WED) ); Richard Cyganiak and Jürgen Umbrich (DERI, NUI Galway,
> Ireland); Michele Catasta (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland), Giovanni
> Tummarello
> All the best,
> Davide Palmisano on behalf of the contributors

Thanks again for all your excellent work and for contributing to
bettering the interoperability of semantic data on the web.

Thanks to you for your quick feedback! We are glad to hear 
suggestions and improvements from the community.



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