Hello again Tantek

Tantek Celik wrote:

I agree with you that this is a larger issue impacting existing and new 
microformats, however, trying to come up with new names for the same meaning is 
not the answer, and will quickly fall apart.
We likely need to come up with scoping rules for all microformats like (just 
thinking out loud here, please do not implement) - some options:

1. any class name starting with an "h" should be treated as a root microformat 
which introduces a new scope
This was exactly my thinking when I proposed "htitle" [http://microformats.org/discuss/mail/microformats-new/2008-August/001692.html] it does introduce scope, but its nothing new in Microformats hAtom was the first to introduces scope in this way with the hfeed and hentry classes,
2. introduce a root microformat classname like "hroot" or "hitem" which introduces a new 
scope and require its use in addition to any new microformat root class name (eg class="hitem 
haudio") this is essentially the mfo solution but with a friendlier generic root name. Feel free to 
brainstorm additional friendly generic root names.
I like hItem or class="item" its the nearest thing in Microformats to an opaque element as I have mentioned before its works like a semantic <div> its easily expandable to things like item-title and item-author again creating more scope both the above points are very much worth perusing in my view.
3. same as 2 except don't introduce any other root microformat-specific class names, and use some 
other mechanism to specify what type/kind of microformat the item is. E.g. all new microformats 
would start with class="hitem" and then we come up with another way of "typing" 
4 ... ? Additional suggestions?
I'm on my BB enroute in the airport and would prefer to add this to the wiki 
(will do once I reach my destination, or feel free to do so - perhaps on a new 
page since it is a cross-microformat issue e.g. /wiki/root-brainstorming ) but 
I felt this issue was important enough to share a few of these thoughts 
immediately. Again these are just thoughts and not intended for implementation 
(at this point).
Thank you very much for your input, you kind of confirmed a few things for me, have a good flight.

Best wishes

Martin McEvoy


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin McEvoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2008 23:34:09 To: For discussion of new microformats.<microformats-new@microformats.org>
Subject: Re: [uf-new] hAudio issue D2 "title"

Hello Scott

Scott Reynen wrote:
On [Sep 1], at [ Sep 1] 2:00 , Martin McEvoy wrote:

"fn" was changed to "title" because it was over used in haudio,

haudio title => fn
haudio contributor = fn
item title = fn

and what If the author of the audio came first?
This shouldn't be an issue. Every hAudio parser must understand contributors and items, so there's no room for confusion here. However, there *is* room for confusion when embedding hAudio in every other microformat using fn, as those parsers have no awareness of hAudio. And this is the problem mfo [1] seeks to solve.
But doesn't Not yet, mfo is just a concept an has not really been contributed to since early 2007

so yes it would cause problems if you decided to embed a haudio inside a hcard because hcard has no understanding of haudio

I would say on a whole that existing microformats class names (particularaly the older ones) cant really be used reliably in New Microformats. because the older one's are only aware of their own context.

Best wishes

Martin McEvoy
[1] http://microformats.org/wiki/mfo-examples

Scott Reynen

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