On [Oct 20], at [ Oct 20] 2:29 , Martin McEvoy wrote:

The file itself the MP3 not the meta-data surrounding the File

I got that. What I'm missing is what about the file you want to make machine-readable and why.

And how, specifically, does hAtom's existing enclosure markup fall short of answering it?

Nothing at all, accept hAtom does not support "enclosure" which I am sure you are aware of..

Actually I'm not.  The "See Also" section of hAtom says:

rel-enclosure - how to semantically reference enclosures (e.g. podcasts) in hAtom


And rel-enclosure, of course, supports enclosures. But I gather it doesn't support everything you'd like to see. I'm just not clear on what's missing.

Don't Patronise me

I don't expect you'll believe this, but I didn't intend to do that.

I still dont understand what particular points of the process you think I have missed

It seems to me you've missed the part of the process where you describe the problem:


I was just trying to help, but it seems clear to me I failed at that the first time. If this likewise fails, please just pretend I said nothing rather than taking further insult.

Scott Reynen

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