David Janes wrote:
On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 8:02 AM, Martin McEvoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The hAtom spec says :

"an Entry /SHOULD/ have an Entry Title"

Unfortunately None of the comment examples Support an entry-title element,
in fact the "title" of a comment rarely occurs in common practice. How would
a comment microformat (should it reuse hatom terms)  resolve the concept of


Noting the difference between the Physical Model and the Logical Model
for hAtom, several options occur when a entry-title is not present:

* use the parent's entry-title
* use Re: <parent-entry-title> (locale issues)
* use an empty tile
Looks like a difficult parsing model, does anything actually implement that? Microformats are about what you can see on a page, creating stuff out of thin air seems a little inconsistent and a little difficult to explain....
The hAtom spec' also says:

an Entry /SHOULD/ have an Entry Permalink

Permalinks to comments DO occur but only around 40% of the time in the
examples I have studied, but more often than that there is no permalink at
all. The easy solution to that I suppose is require that every comment
 /must/ have a unique ID then a "permalink" can be generated into a fragment
url eg: http://someweb.com/page#comment1, but isnt this imposing too much on
would be authors by explicitly stating that every comment /must/ have an ID


How many have an ID tag where an Entry Permalink could be inferred?
Quite a few of the examples do have an @id attribute 60% of them, how would I determine a permalink for the other 40%.
Regards, etc...

Thanks David

Martin McEvoy


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