This is a re post from microformats discuss....

Martin McEvoy wrote:
Toby A Inkster wrote:
This (on <this-page>):

    <a href="that-page" rev="made vote-for">that page</a>


    <that-page> made <this-page>
    <that-page> is voted for by <this-page>

And this:

    <a href="that-page" rel="made vote-for">that page</a>


    <this-page> made <that-page>
    <this-page> is voted for by <that-page>

OK Toby :-) , lets agree to differ, I think that because rev=made has been so badly abused and its definition in html is unclear compared to the foaf definition of made, I have dropped rev=made completely, (it makes my head hurt thinking about it), In favour of rev=author which is used to link from your homepage to things that you have authored.

I really don't like the above approach because, in short I would like to us an @rel value

So I would like to discuss a new microformat to link from your homepage to a page or website that has been made by you.

You see this kind of thing a lot in the wild, how many web designers have portfolio pages linking to pages that the web designer has made, a lot .

I would like to propose something new rel="made-by"

<a href=""; rel="made-by">some site</a>

would translate as.....

<> is made by the referring page..

Some will argue for rel="author", cool great, but It wont work on your homepage, only on pages you authored.

<a href=""; rel="author>some site</a>

would translate as.....

<> is author of  the referring page..

Anyway are there any thoughts on how to approach this issue?


Martin McEvoy

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