I just stumbled into your site and would like to offer you the benefit of our 

www.datedata.com is a website built and maintained by volunteers. It is dedicated to 
funner, safer, more memorable dating. datedata.com is full of hilarious real dating 
experiences, articles about dating, jokes and Top 10 lists about dating, dating 
advice, dating . . . well, you get the picture.

The one thing it's missing - the one thing our many visitors are hounding us to finish 
- is the database of fun places to go an a date. It's the most often clicked item on 
our whole menu bar and unfortunately all a visitor gets is a page telling them "Oops, 
sorry, we're still working on this".

But our volunteers have finally finished it and we are ready to fill it with all sorts 
of fun places to go on dates - places like yours. And because it's all done by 
volunteers it will cost you next to nothing - just 13¢. (But you have to act fast, 
otherwise the cost jumps to 26¢. ugh!!!)

Check it out at www.datedata.com and surf around a bit - read a few jokes, laugh at a 
few of our visitors real dating experiences - make your self at home. Then before you 
leave click on 'places' on the top menubar and then on 'Add Your Place' to see how 
easy and cost effective it is. We think you'll be pleasantly surprized at what you get 
for your 13¢.

    - PezCrazzie

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