
> On  3 Nov, Don Schueler wrote:
> > Does Midgard facilitate building multi-lingual sites? If so, what's the
> > overall fremework for this?
> > For example, can I have a row in the DB with blobs for 10 diff languages and
> > asigned translators for each?
> In the meanwhile, I guess the article reply mechanism
> could be used for storing copies of a same content
> in different languages. It would probably mean 
> constructing custom interfaces for that, though. But
> after that work it should be quite usable as long as
> all the languages use the same character encoding.
> This is something I would like to see more discussion
> on...
I think that the implementation of the following thing would be a reasonable 
Midgard now has translation engine integrated into Apache (mod_midgrad). This 
engine does all the magic about seeking and translating requested paths. We can 
modify it for translating paths like /lang-code/some-path into just /some_path 
and setting some variable to lang-code. This lang-code could be standard two-
symbol country code (EN, FR, DE, RU, BY, FI, etc). Then active page which is 
used to display article will relay on this code (say, $midgard->language) and 
retrieve needed articles.
The same way the topic's table could be modified for adding lang-code field 
(and midgard function for selecting topics will be modified too -- for search 
different language topics).

This is a very cheap way for creating multi-language sites based on Midgard.
As for languages with different charsets, we can use mod_charset module from 
Apache - it is a general way for working with different languages. mod_charset 
does all the magic converting charsets from/to client (useful when some 
language has several charsets like Russian), and it setting up HTTP header 
information about charset automatically too. Moreover, it can be driven from 
other Apache modules (i.e. mod_midgard) to force needed charset.

Alexander Bokovoy.
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