
> > it took me one week to compile midgard-pp-1.2.5 on SuSE Linux 6.3, because
> > of SuSE's strange mySQL-RPMs. Now I would like to contribute my
> > experiences, but donīt know how. Shall I write an INSTALL.SuSE or build an
> > rpm (Iīve never built an rpm, donīt know how to do this)?
> If you'd be closer I'd kiss you :) I have been tinkering with an SuSE RPM
> for Midgard and keep finding these little 'gems' which make me wonder
> *what* these people have been *smoking*.

<lol> I'd like to forward this to a SuSE Beta Test Mailinglist ;-)

> I'd love both -- an RPM and a description. Once you have detailed 
> building instructions the only step left to make an RPM is to put
> these steps in a script. If you have the info, contact me directly
> and we'll get the show on the road.

Iīve attached a file with a first description. Ok, now everything compiles
fine, but I don't know how to test if Midgard works or not.

I followed the installation guide at http://www.midgard-project.org/topic/218.html
These are my SuSE specific comments and additions.

[ 2. Apache Installation ]
Install the Apache RPM from the SuSE CDs

[ 3. MySQL Installation ]
Install all MySQL RPMs from the SuSE CDs. The benchmarking stuff isn't

[ 4.  Midgard Libraries (midgard-lib-1.1 Installation) ]
No problems, just
$ ./configure --with-mysql; make; make install; ldconfig -v

[ 5. Midgard Database Installation ]
No problems, follow "INSTALL". People who have no experience with MySQL can
play with kMySqlAdmin (package KDE-Alpha) to become familiar with the stuff.

[ 6. Midgard Apache Module ]
No problems, use /opt/www instead of /www

[ 7. Midgard-PHP Installation ]
$ ./configure --with-apxs --with-mysql --with-midgard --with-system-regex 
--enable-track-vars --with-gd=/usr/include/gd

Then edit the Makefile and replace the string "/usr/lib/mysql" with "/usr/lib"

$ make; make install

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