At Sun, 23 Jan 2000 19:26:13 -0800 (PST), Derek Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>What is the difference between...

Well... it's actually &(article.content:h); and &(article.content); (note 
the ampersands, not dollar signs)...

The added :h tells midgard to display the variable with some formatting 
done to it, instead of directly. I think that :h will escape it, so that 
it can will be displayed in HTML... that is, if you give it  "foo<a href 
='d'>a</a>", it will do the proper escapes to display that string in HTML,
 instead of just dumping it into the output, which would give you "foo a",
 where a is a link.

>and why doesn't this code need to have <? and ?> around it.

In their great knowledge, the midgard developers decided to modify the PHP 
interpretor so that it will do that &(var); stuff without <? ?> around it. 
This means that you can't just upgrade to PHP4, at least not till they add 
the changes in to the PHP4 source, but its a small  price to pay for the 
convenience, I think. (and midgard 2 will have php4 support, so we won't 
have to wait very long.)

Hope this helps,

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