Tis gives me the articles by creation date !

$article = mgd_list_topic_articles_all(99);
if ($article){
        for ($i = 0; $i < 10 && $article->fetch(); $i++) { 
        <a href="/Marketing/article/&(article.id);.html"  class="menu"
        <A class="menusky">(&(article.aldate);)<br></A>

What about modification date ???
Is that possible ???

The good manual says :
Articles can be sorted. sort parameter can be one of: "alpha", "reverse
alpha", "name", "reverse name", "score", "reverse score", "created".
Default sort is the created date. 

And I also found this :

The last modification date, format is 'd.m.Y'. e.g.: 27.07.1999


The last modification date, format is 'D b. Y'.


The last modification date, format is 'D M Y'

Am I confused or just confused ?


Cellular : +46 (0)708-999 105

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