Michael Ed wrote:
> I've noticed this "feature" :
> Anyone (?) can access topics/articles
> available on a server through manually
> typing the url ... on any (?) host ?

Within one database, yes.

> Nice for testing, but should I not be
> able to lock a host to a specific
> topic tree, or have it "free" ?
> Just as I chose a style or root page ?

In 1.2 you'll have to actively check in your display code whether or
not the user is authorized to see the article/topic (from the given

You can put differentr sites in different databases which prevents this.

The new ACL system (which was meant for 2.0 but I'm thinking about
porting it
to 1.2.6) will put a stop to this as you'll be able to read-protect
objects in the database.

> (Or did I drink too much Coke for lunch ?)



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