On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Miles Scruggs wrote:

> Ok.  From the last email I did figure out how to get midgard to work
> with ssl or nonssl, but not a combination.  I would like the user to
> be able to chose whether they view the host in ssl or nonssl simply
> by adding s too the http://.  I do not want to require them to
> specify a port since that is beyond some people’s brains.  Any clues
> on to how to make one midgard host respond to ssl and nonssl
> requests.  I would prefer not to use a script to do all the work for
> me.
Ok. You still have to create the entries in the httpd.conf. If you create
it on the standard Port 443 then the user doesn't need to add a port

If I understood you right, you'd like exactly the _same_ Midgard driven
Site on both http and https. To do this you just have to create a second
Midgard host on port 443 with the same root-Page as the regular port 80

Live long and prosper!
Torben Nehmer

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WWW              : http://www.nathan-syntronics.de
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