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I was reading through the mail archives trying to see what has been
discussed on sessioning.  From what I can gather midgard itself does
not support it.  I’m I right on this one?  Also it looks like phplib
might be my best bet for doing this, I know that there are some other
ways such as mod_sessions.

            Another question I had about phplib was what Kristian
Köhntopp had to say about it.

PHPLIB usually assumes that you store the PHPLIB tables with the
application tables. This is because PHP is severly broken in how
it handles database connects: PHP silently reuses database
if you connect parameters match preceding connect parameters. That is

$l = mysql_connect("a", "b", "c");
$m = mysql_connect("a", "b", "c");

will create a single shared database connection and not two distinct
connections as many will instinctively assume. This is particularly
nasty if you

$db  = new DB_Midgard;
$db2 = new DB_Application;

and both the Midgard and Application database are being connected
using the name host, user and password parameters. In this case you
will have two distinct objects, but both will share a single database

Sharing a database connection would be harmless, if this connection
had no state. As it is, MySQL database connections have a state, the
current database as selected with mysql_select_db. Other database
connections have state, too: The currently open transaction. So it
is in my eyes a design error to treat this as stateless and reuse
and share it, but somehow the Powers That Be do not seem to

The PHPLIB recommendation is to pack everything, PHPLIB tables,
Application tables and Midgard tables, into a single database and
not switch database at all.

So I’m assuming the easiest way is to put the PHPLIB tables inside
the midgard database?  Is there anything else I should know before I
jump into this?

Miles Scruggs

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