Le mar, 28 mar 2000, vous avez écrit :
>I am attempting to install the programs, but have run into a snag.  When
>I attempt to configure the mod_midgard I get an error about not being
>able to find the midgard library.  However, I have followed the
>instructions available on the site.  Also, the install notes claim that
>the issue is most likely an ldconfig problem.  But both libraries are
>available as you can see below.
>Does anyone have any suggestions on this?

ldconfig is used at run time, your problem is at compile time.
You should try:
LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib ./configure

Ronan-Yann Lorin                tél: +33 617 960 627
3, Allée des Hirondelles        tél: +33 134 506 034
95220 Herblay                   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
France                          http://duke.adesium-services.fr/~lorin

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