Hello Emiliano,
    It looks like I have the exact same problem that Mihai has.  I followed
your suggestions, and have the same results.  Below, I have attached the
message from the error logs, the httpd.conf virtual hosts section, and the
output of a sql query against the midgard database.  I'm unsure how to
proceed.  Can you offer any further advice?


Apache error logs:
[Wed Mar 29 11:58:44 2000] [notice] [client] Midgard: host record
for wolfy.petsmart.com:80 not found

Apache httpd.conf
 <VirtualHost wolfy.petsmart.com>
  ServerName wolfy.petsmart.com
  MidgardEngine on
  # Switch off magic quotes - it is required with Midgard
  php3_magic_quotes_gpc off
  php3_magic_quotes_runtime off
  # This is required to enable Midgard user authentication
  <Files midgard-root.php3>
    require valid-user
    AuthName Midgard
    AuthType Basic

Host table in midgard db
mysql> select * from host;

| id | name               | root | style | info | owner | port | online |
prefix   |

|  1 | wolfy.petsmart.com |    1 |     1 | auth |     0 |   80 |      1 |
/admin   |
|  2 | localhost          |   34 |     2 |      |     1 |    0 |      0 |
/example |

2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Emiliano Heyns wrote:

> Mihai Bobos wrote:
> > I tried to install midgard on my computer and in the end (after about
> > two days of download, reading, searching the mail archives and so on)
> > I succesfully installed midgard
> > Now there's the other point: how do I use it?
> > I tried to access the midgard-root.php3 file but I got an error in the
> > page after authentification. the error was as follows:
> You should not access the root file directly; as a matter of fact, it
> should not even be in your documentroot. Midgard uses it internally.
> > I checked the server log and it says:
> > [notice] [client etc] Midgard: host record for server.domain.com:80 not
> > found
> You must customize both the virtualhosts sections in httpd.conf and the
> host table in the database. It looks like the host name in the database
> is set to 'server.domain.com'. Change it to the ServerName you used for
> your VirtualHosts definition.
> > [crit] [client etc] configuration error: couldn't check user. No user
> > file? /midgard-root.php3
> This will go away once the others are properly configured.
> Emile
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