> [...]
> The Oracle port project lead by Jean-Pierre
> Arneodo has been going on for some time now,
> and they hope to release a stable version of
> Oracle-enabled midgard-lib within a week.
> Their PHP implementation is still somewhat
> work in progress, and due to database
> incompatibilities they believe that it won't
> be 100% compatible with the MySQL version of
> Midgard. However, this should be corrected
> when we move to the Midgard 2 architecture.

For the final user, the php developper, it is fully compliant.
But only on the version 1.2.5

For the internal stuff, it's another story.

We try to develop a small php script to upgrade
from MySQL to Oracle through http in version 1.2.5,
not the repligard system.



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