Someone once said -> "ask and ye shall be answered" :)
Thanks Emile.


----- Original Message -----
From: Emiliano Heyns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 10:19 PM
Subject: Re: [midgard] Allowing nobody to create topic/article

> Vanja Bertalan wrote:
> > Is there a way to allow unregistered user to create topic/article. This
> > would be convenient if we wanted to create some kind of link submission
> > system or such.
> > What I have in mind is: user nobody faces a html form through which he
> > creates some kind of content (without looking under the hood, of
> > After he's done, content he created is in DB but either locked or not
> > approved, and the webmaster gets an email note about submission. After
> > webmaster unlocks/approves content, it becomes visible to public...
> You can do the equivalent of a 'su' by using
> mgd_auth_midgard(username, password, 0). This will change the notion of
> current user to the given username; I suggest a user setup specifically
> only
> owning the topic tree you want public submissions to. The last 0
> suppresses
> the cookie that this function normally sends but which would put the
> password
> in the users' cookie file.
> After you've created the topic/article/etc you can re-anonimize by doing
> mgd_auth_midgard("", "", 0);
> The same page that accepts the submission can send mail to the webmaster
> by means of the mail functions available in PHP.
> Articles are not marked approved or locked by default, so you can check
> in
> your display logic whether the flag is set. The midgard list functions
> will not filter them out automatically.
> Emile
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