Well here goes my proposal.  (I'll shoot myself later, I know)

If I was to be forwarded all the documentation up to this point, including the beta 
stuff, I will compile into docs.  I would propose a collection of html documents, 
README files, INSTALL documents, etc.

Just include: "[Midgard Docs] title of doc" on the subject, and I will start 
compiling.  I can download what you already have on the website, plus, plugin whatever 
I get.  I can then compile into something printable, like postscript, and online html 

Anyway, let me know what you think.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Emiliano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [midgard] SGML tools and beta questions.

> > defaintely contribute to the doc effort.  Most of my knowledge will come
> > from a user standpoint, using the software.  Could someone point me to
> > the doc person, and I will see if I can be of use?
> That's exactly what we need. There is no specific doc maintainer at the
> moment, although Henri does most of the organizing for it. If you want to
> you can post what you have to midgard or midgard-dev, we'll pick on some
> technicalities for a while :) and get you write access to CVS.
> Emile

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