On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Armand A. Verstappen wrote:

> I disagree, they will. Because my non-sitegroup midgard is using a different
> libmidgard.so versionnr. they can coexist.

OK, correction: they will not co-exist within one apache installation.
But you're right.

> Ah... Maybe that should be entered into the sitegroup03.txt too, it got me
> on the wrong foot. Doesn't work either but ...

Possibly because the login code changed in midgard-lib recently.

> In CVS I saw lib/ and lib-1.2/ ... I used lib/ . This message in
> /usr/local/test_apache/logs/error_log :

lib-1.2 is obsolete, so that's correct.

> [Fri Apr 14 02:15:13 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.12 (Unix)
> PHP/3.0.15+Midgard/Lib=1.4-beta3/SiteGroups=0.3
> Midgard/Lib=1.4-beta3/SiteGroups=0.3 configured -- resuming normal
> operations
> and this one in /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log:
> [Thu Apr 13 17:31:23 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.11 (Unix)
> PHP/3.0.14+Midgard/1.2.6 Midgard/1.2.6-beta2 configured -- resuming normal
> operations
> got me to believe that I at least succesfully fooled midgard...

Seems so indeed.

> I did use that order. I may have been confused over which lib I should use,
> the one in lib/ or the one in lib-1.2/. I'll have another go at it, keeping
> in mind your suggestions. I have subscribed to midgard-dev yesterday, I'll
> do some catchup reading in the archives.

The official beta is due in a day or so. Instead of catching up, you could
install that and take it from there.


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