On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, Miles Scruggs wrote:

> It would be nice to have a place, site, list or somewhere we could submit
> questions that the manual doesn't answer.  Then others could work on
> developing answers.  We have that for the source but nothing for
> documentation.  I know not everyone can write code and not everyone is good
> at explaining it but between the two groups we could have some nice
> documentation.

I think [EMAIL PROTECTED] can serve that purpose. As you say, you
want to reach both developers & writers, so setting up a separate
mailinglist may even be counterproductive.

> The other thing that I picked up was that someone *might*  be writing a book
> on midgard.  For the love of all that is good please don't include a
> detailed function reference.  The functions are one thing that is clearly
> defined in the manual so there is no need for them in something that some of
> us would pay money for.

I don't see why good documentation would be mutually exclusive with a
function reference.

One good reason to not include a function reference, at least for the
while, is that the list of functions is still growing, so you can hardly
be up to date at time of press.

> This will also make the author dig a little deeper
> for content, and substance for the book. When they just detail every
> function you have half the book writen without giving the reader any new
> information.

The function reference is not the main focus of the manual. In fact, I'd
say they're separate efforts that just happen to wind up in the same
place. Anyway, we welcome anyone with a fresh look on the matter to pick a
part of midgard to get to know better; we'll provide the technical details
and would be much obliged if some readable docs turn out at the other end.


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