On Sun, 16 Apr 2000, Gottfried Ryser wrote:

> use a Linux system. Midgard seems to me a very intersting solution for
> building dynamic website ( I do it today with ColdFusion and ASP), but have
> it ready and running I guess is a very hard job.

Can you tell me what you have tried so far?

> On my system (RedHat 6.0), Apache and mySQL are running, but not Midgard.
> can someone tell me a bit more in details how to do that with success. I
> have read from others who give it up. In all the docs I can read "the
> installation is easy and straightforward" but not for a newbie. I need to
> know how shall I install all the parts of Midgard:
> - As root or as user x

It is possible to install Midgard when not root; however, you'll need
write permission to the place where apache installs its modules and
configuration files. All in all, being root is going to make it a lot

> - in which directory

The libraries install in /usr/local/lib by default. The modules are stored
where the apache install tells them to, on RedHat this would be

> - what is the better format of the packages rpm or tar.gz

RPM will be easier but is pretty bland, feature-wise. The PHP module it
contains has only mysql and midgard enabled.

The source install gives you more options but configuring and installing
these will take a little more of your time than the RPM install.


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