On 25 Apr, Andrew Voronin wrote:
> Hi!


>       Is Midgard ready for cluster environment?

Midgard is just an add-on for Apache, so normal Apache
clustering capabilities should apply.

The only concern Midgard brings to a clustering environment
is that the servers should either use the same database
server, or you need to ensure in some other way that the
databases being used all contain the same data.

To do this, you can either use MySQL dumps that are
transferred from a master server to the cluster servers,
or use the Repligard database replication technology.

Repligard is not yet available in Midgard releases, but
you can compile it yourself from CVS.

However, I haven't yet tried building a Midgard cluster
yet myself, but I'm looking to try our new StoneBeat
WebCluster (http://www.stonebeat.com) product with it.

> Andrew Voronin


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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