On Thu, 27 Apr 2000, Pascal Cavy wrote:

> I am a heavy user of midgard now :) Nice work really ! I am using 1.4b3 and
> have a couple question :
> A/ what is the difference between using <[yaya]> and <(yaya)> in the content
> of page or style ?

None. The <(...)> variant is just easier to type on Finish keyboards :)

> B/ (don't kick me ;) what is the secret recipee to transform a user member
> of say SG1 (not sg0) in a root user for this group ? it's really not very
> clear in the release notes. also i read somewhere u changed the suffixes for
> login of such users...

There's root users and admin users. Root users are admin of all groups.

Root users must be in SG0 and the record that nakes them member of group 0
must also be in SG0.

For a user to be admin user of SG1 the user must be in SG1, the membership
and group record must be in SG1, and the group must be marked as
admingroup in the sitegroup table entry for the sitegroup.

Boy, that's as clear as mud ain't it. Please ask me some more questions
and we'll figure out a good description together.


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