On Wed, 3 May 2000, Frank Boehme wrote:

> wizard.ucc.ie:8101 not found
> I believe something is not working when it comes to host records with
> port numbers:
> |  1 | wizard.ucc.ie:8101 |    1 |     1 | auth |     1 | 8101 |      1

The port number is not part of the name. Change the name to wizard.ucc.ie
and there's a good chance that that's all there's too it.

> ===========
> Which entry is essential for the port? The part after : in name or the
> entry in port?

Only in the port field.

> In row 1, I manually changed owner from 0 to 1, because there is no
> member with id 0. Was this correct?

Ownership is assigned to groups, not persons, and group '0' is the
fictional group whose members are admin (all assuming non-sitegroup
setting). So the 0 is OK.


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