I've tried to install Midgard 1.4b3 on Linux slackware.
I use Apache 1.3.12 and MySQL 3.22.32.

I've followed the INSTALL files and the installation procedure.
When I start lynx (or Netscape) on the admin site (port 8101), I've
the default Apache page instead of the Midgard authentification box.

I think the problem comes from the httpd.conf :


MidgardEngine on
MidgardRootfile         libexec/midgard-root.php3
<Files midgard-root.php3>
  require valid-user
  AuthName Midgard
  AuthType Basic

        ServerName levant.mds
        php3_magic_quotes_gpc off
        php3_magic_quotes_runtime off
        Port 8101

This is the host table of the Midgard database :
mysql> select * from host;
id | name| root | style | info | owner | port | online | prefix   | sitegroup |
 1 | ... |    1 |     1 | auth |     0 | 8101 |      1 | /admin   |         0 |
 2 | ... |   34 |     2 |      |     1 | 8099 |      1 | /example |         0 |

(the name is levant.mds)

When I add these lines to force authentification and try to access to
port 8101 and enter login (admin) and password, I've an error message :
"Internal Server Error".

<Directory /opt/www>
        require valid-user
        AuthName Midgard
        AuthType Basic

errors logs :

The file access_log contains : - - [02/May/2000:22:39:47 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 401 466 - admin [02/May/2000:22:39:55 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 500 593

The file error_log contains :
[Tue May  2 22:39:29 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) PHP/3.0.16+\ 
 Midgard/Lib=1.4-beta3 Midgard/Lib=1.4-beta3 configured\
  -- resuming normal operations
[Tue May  2 22:39:55 2000] [crit] [client] configuration error:\
 couldn't check user.  No user file?: /

What should I do ?

 °v°     Stéphane Levant (Sun)  /  ENSERB informatique (Bordeaux)
 ` /     http://www.enserb.fr/~levant/
 v_v     (programmation, math, ENSERB, cuisine, humour)

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