
This is the first MWS since Henri has relinquished the job. It was purely
by chance that I began working on it this morning. My apologies for
ambiguities. Ken Pooley has offered his services in assisting with
production by providing copy editing services. Emiliano Heyns is being
volunteered to help identify content for the news letter and provide a
programmers perspective on technical issues. All of us provide the only
thing that realy matters, the content. 

We're introducing modifications to the news letters style which now
includes short interviews and links to relative articles and discussions.
Additionally, we'll start featuring an article that explores a Midgard
served website. Your submissions are requested at the end of the MWS.
I anticipate including one of these articles every other issue.

At this time it appears that we'll continue to release the news letter
every Wednsday as has been the standard set by Henri Bergius. 

Ron "Man of letters and misspellings" Parker

copyright 2000 Midgard Project Ry. All Rights Reserved. 8th, May. 2000

The First Year Of Midgard
By Henri Bergius 7th May. 2000 
It is now a year since Midgard 1.0 was first released on May 8th 1999.
While the project has obviously been going on for a longer time than that
(first mention of the project is on Bergie's personal Web site, dated
April 25th 1998), the 1.0 launch was when the project became public.

As it is very easy to only see where the project is now, and forget the
long process that has taken us here, I decided to put together a quick
look back into major happenings with the project in last year. 

To summarize, the year was one of quick growth for Midgard. We've gathered
a quite sizable community of active users and contributors, and also made
inroads to corporate acceptance of Midgard both as an important business
tool, and a product. In addition, the Midgard application server itself
has evolved much from its modest beginnings, and the development team has
had good time working on it. 

Please note that this document is still in draft state. If you want to
make any additions or corrections, please contact Henri Bergius
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) about them.

Midgard Debian Package Released
Teemu Hukkanen has built a Debian Midgard Package which is being tested by
several Midgard developers and users. A discussion is taking place on the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.

Because Debian has a strict adherence to the ideal of using "Free
Software" and Midgard is primarily reliant on MySQL, which doesn't qualify
as free software, this specific package won't become available as part of
Debian's "redistributable" software package library. Teemu said, "I do not
intend to upload them (debian packages) into debian proper until they can
depend on ! mysql." The "! mysql is programmer speak for "other than." The
packages are available for download at: 

Those interested in using Midgard with Oracle should investigate
Jean-Pierre Arneodo's Midgard 1.2.5-beta1 for Oracle. This is not a debian
package. Information about Jean-Pierre's release can be found at

Defining Copyright, Publishing Model For The Midgard Manual
A discussion concerning the Midgard documentation effort and Midgard
Projects Ry's role as a publisher and copyright holder is taking place.
Participation by someone experienced in handling Open Source related
copyright and publishing issues for documentation would be highly

An effort to understand copyright and publishing interests is currently
centered around OpenContent, http://opencontent.org/, and the GNU free
Documentation License, http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html. Both of these
organizations offer licensing solutions and it's likely Midgard Projects
Ry and the documentation writers will embrace a solution that's developed
around one of these licenses.

The midgard-dev mailing list archive subject titles for this thread are
"Some documentation" and "Documentation License" the archives can be found

Integrating PHPlib Into Midgard
Carilda Thomas, Midgard contributer and user, presented a document titled
PHP Tools which explains how to integrate PHPlib into Midgard. The
document is designed for inclusion in the Midgard Manual. PHPlib is a set
of PHP classes created primarily by Kristian Koehntopp to implement
visitor sessions, and to present a consistent and easy way to handle
forms, tables and data base connections. A search for keyword "phplib" at
google.com produces a myriad of on-line articles. The document is being
prepared for inclusion in the Midgard CVS tree and should be available for
download by 10, May. 2000.

Serving File Based Content, Style
Emiliano Heyns, Midgard contributer and user, has developed a patch called
File Templates which enables the serving of file based content and styles.
It's an addition to the standard Midgard database solution. File Templates
enables the creation of Midgard applications within files which in some
circumstances is a desirable alternative to the database method for
modifying and distributing content. Archives of this discusion can be
found at:

According to Heyns, a discussion concerning a PHP-native templating system
had taken place on the PHP mailing list at one time. "If we had this thing
(File Templates) in a releasable state back then, we may have had that
solution," said Heyns. "File Templates is in a very early alpha stage and
I need developers and users to help test and decide what functionality to
copy from the database templates."

Developing A More Encompassing Database Abstraction Layer 
Emiliano Heyns, Midgard contributer and user, has initiated a discussion
that concerns database abstraction. The mailing list archive for this
discussion can be found at:

Heyns said, "I've taken a brief look at GDBC and gnome-db as candidates
for a database abstraction layer." Heyns briefly explores the advantages
and disadvantages of these options. "GDBC is more light-weight but I have
some doubts on it's usability," said Heyns. This discussion is definitely
aimed at developers. However, it's implications could have an important
effect on users. If a solution is found that meets Debian's qualifictions
for "Free Software," Midgard would qualify for inclusion as part of the
Debian core distribution.

MWS Requests Submissions For News
In addition to our usual content, we'd like to cover websites that are
being served by Midgard. Of special interest are solutions that aren't
obvious to new users. Articles of this nature will be constructed through
a process of e-mail exchanges between the webmaster and reporter. If
you're interested in having your site featured in MWS, submit a link and
brief description of the features that you'd like to share to

MWS is published weekly as a 'free from monetary charge' news letter.
Republishing of articles originated by MWS is permitted, although we ask
that you inform us of your use of our articles.

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