forget my earlier post, I went back to the php install, maybe
'corrected' a few things.
During configure it says:
Warning: You will need bison IF you'd want to regnerate the PHP3

I don't think I want to regenerate those things, so I'll ignore the

make blows up, too:
make: bison: Command not found.

I looked in the mail list, didn't see this error mentioned, went to the
midgard web site, too.  It complains about YACC, too, during the php
configure.  I don't see any configure parms that might help.  Why do I
need bison and why can't I make php without it?

I'll take a look at the php site, too,

Emiliano wrote:
> On Mon, 8 May 2000, Daryle Dianis wrote:
> > yahoo,
> > I ditched my SuSE 6.1 and installed SuSE 6.4 from scratch to get around
> > my 'open64' error during apache startup.  Instead, I get "Invalid
> > Command 'MidgardEngine', perhaps mispelled or defined by a module not
> > included in the server configuration."
> Is midgard loaded? Temporarily disable the conflicting statements, start
> apache, then do
> $ telnet localhost 80
> HEAD / HTTP/1.0
> <return>
> <return>
> The header will tell you if the Midgard modules have been loaded or not.
> Emile
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