On Wed, 10 May 2000, Sergio Bruder wrote:

> The solution seems to create separate topic trees for each language.
> /--+--/en --+-- /topic1
> ...
>    +--/pt --+-- /topic1
> and so on? 

One possible way, yes.

> I can envision some necessities in admin interface to that arrange.
> A multi-language unique form to edit articles perhaps? (HINTHINTHINT)

This would depend very much on how you lay out your multi-lang solution.

Does anyone know of a product that handles this in a decent way?

Oh, in the previous message:

> > >     (I already know the language of the browser)

I would argue to make this the default choice for your visitors, not the
mandatory. I've used spanish, german and dutch browsers before, not by
choice, but could get by since the layout of the browser was familiar. I
would not want the entire site to switch to spanish or german based on the
browser I use. IMHO of course.


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