> > Wouldn't it be possible to make this a httpd.conf configuration
> > option?
>  No. It will rise a security issue. In 1.4 these defaults will be
>  changable via configure option for midgard-lib, but integration with
>  Apache's httpd.conf will create a security hole, especialy valuable
>  for ISP. Imagine that you have Midgard hosting somewhere with
>  configurable MySQL server location option like you're requested. Then
>  those who sneaked your account simply replace config - and your site
>  will be rewritten immediately by different (remote) database without
>  additional problems.

This assumes a few things:

Situation 1: ISP manages httpd.conf, or
Situation 2: Client has own httpd.conf

Situation 1: The file should be editable/readable only by root. If the file
is writeable
by anyone else, you've got problems anyhow. If the file is readable by
non-roots, the
Midgard DB password is there in plaintext, so an intruder can just log into
the mysql
database directly and trash your site, no matter where the database is
If someone cracks root on the machine I don't think you need to worry about
them changing
the httpd.conf :/

Situation 2: If someone cracks your account and can change your own
setting MidgardEngine off, changing the documentroot, possibly using
mod_rewrite, your
site is 'changed' in an instant too. And your DB password is in plain view,
so once again,
the cracker can easily trash your content.

So I think making the database non-configurable buys you very little


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