On Mon, 15 May 2000, [ISO-8859-1] Sébastien Bernard wrote:

> Hello All.
> I read evrything, the faqs, the articles, and of course, trying to install the 
> mod-bigard rpm on my linux 6.0, equipped with apache 1.3.9, I have the 
> infamous message:
> error: failed dependencies:
>         apache >= 1.3.6 is needed by mod_midgard-1.2.5-5

Have you installed apache from source by any chance? RPM does not know
this and will report this failure.

What does
$ rpm -qa | grep apache

> So I downloaded the sources, thinking about rebuilding them, I unzip them 
> in a folder, went in that folder with my telnet and when I am trying to 
> ./configure, it says me than this file does not exist, when I see it right 
> there ! 

If you unzipped it, chances are:

- It has DOS CR/LFs in it, and
- it is not executable

> But I dont know if I have to do it ! why is there a $ in front of that
> line, in the readme file ? instead of a # ?  But if I try to do make
> install, it says me make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  
> Stop.

You'll have to do the configure first. The '#' denotes that you have to be
root for that step, the '$' means normal user.

> What do I have to do ? 

Extract again using tar.

> If I was taking a new disk, starting an installation of Linux from scratch, 
> should it be better ? 

Not necesary.


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