> Having installed all the components I'm able to run MySql, Apache, but couldn't 
>login to example of Midgrad.
> I've noticed that in "user" table there isn't a column "Db" which is supposed to be 
>used in installation procedure(creatung "midgrad" user and setting up prvilidges) for 
>setting up user "midgrad". Is it wrong?

Hope your substitution of "midgrad" instead of the correct 'midgard' is a typo in the 

I recommend that you read the very concise and straightforward explanation of access 
control in the MySQL manual.  In my version of the manual (which may not be the 
latest), it is section 6, "The MySQL access
privilege system".  Start with section 6.7 Access control, stage1: Connection 
verification.  It explains how the user, db and host tables are used for different 
aspects of access control.  After finishing section
6, go back to the beginning of Section 6 and reread the whole section until it makes 
sense.  The "user" accessing the midgard db within MySQL is whatever MidgardUser you 
put into the config file.  This should
make the arrangement comprehensible.

Remember that sitting down and expecting something to work out of the box is an 
end-user mentality -- if you are doing installations and such, you need to start 
thinking like an admin (or like a geek) and RTFM.
O'Reilly books are great also.  (Note that MS products only *appear* to work out of 
the box....)

Read a bit in the manuals, try some things, read some more to see why the things you 
tried didn't work, and if all else fails, try going to the appropriate mailing list 
archive (there is always at least one) and
doing a search on your OS, on your error message, or whatever.  The likelihood is that 
someone has had the problem before.

Good luck and enjoy!


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