I have just begun working with Midgard. After going through the manual and
perusing the list archives, I have found some interesting code snippets, but
also more questions.

I am trying to test some of the personaliztion aspects of Midgard, but can't
figure out how the code should work. My test site is based on the XYZ site
described in the manual, so true authentication is really not needed, just
something basic that will recognize that a user has or has not been to the
site and use that to determine what to display.

The personalization section of the manual states that the code snippets
listed there assume that $midgard->user is set through HTTP challenge or
mgd_auth_midgard. Unfortunately the manual really does not describe how to
use mgd_auth_midgard.

For example, using the code in the manual that displays news items, marking
them with "NEW", "UPDATED", or nothing depending on the user's last visit
does not give me the correct results. All news items are always "old".

Could someone please provide a clearer example of how to make use of this
functionality? How and where do I use mgd_auth_midgard? What username and
password do I provide?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I would like to make a PDF copy of the manual (and keep it updated as
the manual is updated). Is there a place that I can pull the manual from so
that it doesn't have all of the navigation links and such found on the web
site? I was thinking that I could make the PDF copy available for those
(like me) who like to have a paper copy to refer to while working on a

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Midgard looks like a really great product. Can't wait to learn it more
and see how it develops. I'm hoping it will make my job easier. Keep up the
great work folks!


*  Dion Vansevenant                                                     *
*  System Administrator                     Tel: (519) 472-1005         *
*  RoweCom Canada                           Fax: (519) 472-3223         *
*  P.O. Box 2382                         E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
*  London, ON  N6A 5A7                      Web: www.faxon.ca           *
*  Canada                                                               *

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